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Wellesley Youth Baseball & Softball



All players should be registered according to their date of birth. If you would like to know the Little League age that corresponds with your child's birthday, you may check out the LL Age Chart HERE.
Any questions, please email: [email protected]


For Kindergarteners & PreK . All players must turn 5 years old prior to Aug. 31, 2025

The goal of our Rookie baseball program is to provide an enjoyable setting for children to have fun learning basic baseball skills and to begin to appreciate the game. We do our best to keep the teams school based, but it is not always possible as we do group by age. (Little League aged 5-year olds together and older 5 & 6-year-olds together)

There are no evaluations required for this league

Clinics & Practices:
WYBS provides weekly in-season clinic style support prior for Rookie games. Each game day will feature a skills clinic for the first 45 minutes, followed by a fun game between teams.

Coaches are encouraged to schedule one (1) additional practice a week for their individual teams in addition to game days

Sunday afternoons, ~12:30 – 2:00pm / @ Kelly Fields and Upham Field

Coach Pitch and Tee Ball as needed

Team Construction:
We do our best to group by school, but registration numbers and age grouping may dictate otherwise. 

Rookie League Baseball Season:
Runs from the week of April 12th through mid-June, no games on Memorial Day Weekend. Final game will coincide with the end of Wellesley Public School year (mid-June)

Cost for 2025: $230


The 8U - A League is a developmental, coach pitch league

Teams are comprised of Little League age 7 or 8 year-old players, that have not yet moved up to the 9U-AA League based on evaluations. Kindergarteners who are Little League age 7 may participate in this league if they wish and should attend evaluations in the winter to be placed appropriately.

Players will be evaluated in late February or early March, along with any available coach feedback from prior seasons play, to make sure that the 8U - A league is the correct placement for them

Clinics & Practices:
WYBS provides weekly in-season clinic style support prior to 8U - A games. Each game day will feature a skills clinic for the first 45 minutes, followed by a game.

Coaches are encouraged to schedule one (1) additional practice a week for their individual teams in addition to these clinics

Saturday afternoons, ~1:30 – 3:00pm / @ Kelly Fields

Coach Pitch

Team Construction:
Balanced teams will be formed based on evaluation scores, but school districting will still remain a heavy focus for team placement

8U - A League Baseball Season:
Runs from the week of April 12th through mid-June, no games on Memorial Day Weekend. Final game will coincide with the end of Wellesley Public School year (mid-June)

Cost for 2025: $265


The 9U - AA League is coach pitch with an introduction to kid pitch throughout the season.

Teams are comprised of Little League age 8 or 9 year-old players, that have not yet moved up to the 10U-AAA League based on evaluations, plus any Little League age 7 year-old determined through the evaluation process to be fit for 9U-AA level game play.

Players will be evaluated in late February or early March, along with any available coach feedback from prior seasons play, to make sure that the 9U - AA league is the correct placement for them

Clinics & Practices:
WYBS will provide weekly in-season Clinics to serve as a supplement to weekly practices and games. Teams will combine with another 9U - AA team for these clinics.

Coaches are encouraged to schedule one (1) additional practice a week for their individual teams in addition to these clinics

Saturday mornings, ~9:00 – 10:30am (depending on the number of teams, there may be a game at 11am)

Coach Pitch, transitioning to Modified Kid Pitch (no walks)

Team Construction:
Balanced teams will be formed based on evaluation scores, but school districting will still remain a focus for team placement

9U - AA League Baseball Season:
Runs from the week of April 12th through mid-June, no games on Memorial Day Weekend. Final game will coincide with the end of Wellesley Public School year (mid-June)

Cost for 2025: $265


The 10U - AAA League is a modified kid pitch league and is designed to start to introduce players to real baseball rules and gameplay, while continuing to foster development and keep the games exciting and action-oriented

Teams are comprised of Little League age 9 or 10 year-old players, that have not yet moved up to the Minors or Majors League based on evaluations, plus any Little League age 8 year-old determined through the evaluation process to be fit for 10U - AAA level gameplay.

Players will be evaluated in late February or early March, along with any available coach feedback from prior seasons play, to make sure that the 10U - AAA league is the correct placement for them

Clinics & Practices:
WYBS will provide weekly in-season Clinics to serve as a supplement to weekly practices and games. Teams will combine with another 10U - AAA team for these clinics

Coaches are encouraged to schedule one (1) additional practice a week for their individual teams in addition to these clinics

Saturday mornings, ~9:00 -10:30am or 11:00 – 12:30pm (most weeks are 9am, with one or two 11am games scheduled at Reidy Field)

Kid Pitch, no base stealing

Team Construction:
Balanced teams will be formed based on evaluation scores, but school districting will still remain a consideration for team placement

10U - AAA League Baseball Season:
Runs from the week of April 12th through mid-June, no games on Memorial Day Weekend. Final game will coincide with the end of Wellesley Public School year (mid-June)

Cost for 2025: $265


Minor League is a competitive league, designed to be for Little League age players between 9 and 12 years old. It is a fully kid pitch league and is designed to be an opportunity for players to experience playing real baseball, with some slightly modified baserunning rules to help with gameplay and development. It is designed to be a stepping-stone to our Majors program and an opportunity to prepare players for that next level of play.

Teams are comprised of Little League age 10 and 11 year-old players, that have not yet moved up to the Major League based on evaluations, plus any Little League age 9 year-old determined through the evaluation process to be fit for the Minors level gameplay. While 12 year old players are guaranteed a spot in Majors if they wish, some 12 year old players may opt to remain in Minors.

Players will be evaluated in late February or early March, along with any available coach feedback from prior seasons play, to make sure that the Minor league is the correct placement for them

Clinics & Practices:
Coaches are encouraged to schedule one (1) practice a week for their individual teams in addition to their scheduled games

Monday & Wednesday evenings, 5:30pm or 6:30pm

Fully kid-pitch, modified base-stealing rules

Team Construction:
Balanced teams will be formed based on evaluation scores and a draft process

Minors League Baseball Season:
Runs from the week of April 12th through mid-June, no games on Memorial Day Weekend. Teams will play a regular season, followed by a single elimination playoff, with all teams qualifying for playoffs, and seeded based on regular season records. Final game will coincide with the end of Wellesley Public School year (mid-June)

Cost for 2025: $375


The Majors League is designed to be the most competitive league within our Little League program. It is designed for players Little League aged 10 – 12 who have been determined fit for Majors level gameplay. All Little League age 12 players are welcome to play Majors regardless of skill level. 

Teams are comprised of Little League age 11 and 12 year-old players, that have been determined via evaluations to be a fit for Majors play, plus any Little League age 10 year-old determined through the evaluation process to be fit for Majors level gameplay. While all 12 year old players are guaranteed a spot in Majors if they wish, some 12 year old players may opt to remain in Minors.

Players will be evaluated in late February or early March, along with any available coach feedback from prior seasons play, to make sure that the Majors league is the correct placement for them

Clinics & Practices:
Coaches are encouraged to schedule pre-season practices for their individual teams as needed

3 games per week, Tuesday & Thursday and Saturday evenings, 5:30pm or 7:30pm

Regular Little League baseball rules, no leading

Team Construction:
Balanced teams will be formed based on evaluation scores and a draft process

Majors League Baseball Season:
Runs from the week of April 12th through mid-June, no games on Memorial Day Weekend. Teams will play a regular season, followed by a playoff, with all teams qualifying for playoffs, and seeded based on regular season records. Final game will coincide with the end of Wellesley Public School year (mid-June)

Cost for 2025: $375


Players who are baseball age 13 through 15 (born between 9/1/09 - 8/31/12) will play in our Senior League. Typically, games are played on a big diamond, but if we have enough13 y/o registrations, we will have an Intermediate team that plays on the intermediate 50/70 diamond. The Senior League is perfect for those players who play school or club baseball. We try to keep the rosters a bit larger to accommodate conflicts.

Games: Appx. 2 per weeknight @ 6pm
Practices: Usually there are no practices
Format: Real baseball rules

Intermediate - This league is open to players who are baseball age 13. Games are played on an intermediate diamond (50’ pitching distance & 70’ base paths). This league introduces all the rules and skills in baseball not available in Little League that apply at higher levels as well, including leading, pickoffs, balks, holding runners, and dropped third strikes. This league is a perfect transition for those who played little league and before moving to the big diamond. Games will be against nearby towns.

Jr/Sr Big Diamond - This league is open to players who are baseball age 13-16
More advanced 13 year olds who wish to go directly from the Little League diamond to the big diamond can choose this league. Games are played on full sized diamond and against nearby towns.

Teams are formed in March and players are notified by coaches by the end of the March.

Players will be provided with a jersey & hat.

COST for 2025: $350

Wellesley Youth Baseball & Softball

396 Washington Street, Suite 289
Wellesley, Massachusetts 02481
Email : [email protected]
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